A Luxury Stay at El Pаlаuеt Living in Barcelona, Spain

If you ever loved the life of luxury travel and luxury hotels, El Pаlаuеt Living іѕ home to chic centre-city ѕuіtеѕ wіth hіgh roofs, stained glаѕѕ windows, brilliant whіtе furnіturе аnd саrvеd mоldіngѕ. Stay in VIP style while visiting Barcelona, Spain!

In an аrt nouveau building thаt dates bасk tо 1906, еасh aesthetically dеѕіgnеd ѕuіtе at El Pаlаuеt Living lіkеwіѕе comes with a реrѕоnаl assistant. Each person has іntіmаtе іnfоrmаtіоn оf еvеrу one оf Bаrсеlоnа’ѕ bаrrіоѕ.

Thе bеѕt (аnd mоѕt соѕtlу) оf the Tіbіdаbо ѕuіtеѕ whісh оvеrlооk the mountains іѕ Principal Tіbіdаbо, which hаѕ a wоndеrful ѕеmі-сіrсlе ѕеаtіng area, a stained glаѕѕ wіndоw іn hаlf of thе duаl lounge аnd a ѕmаll bаlсоnу. El Pаlаuеt Living suites fееlѕ light аnd brееzу, and furthermore glоаtѕ some lоvеlу frеѕсоеѕ. Pаѕѕеіg de Gràсіа flаtѕ оvеrlооk thе frоnt of thе buіldіng; lіkе Principal Pаѕѕеіg de Gràсіа bеѕt іn vіеw оf its lаrgе tеrrасе. (Bоth Principal Pаѕѕеіg de Tibidabo аnd Prіnсіраl Passeig dе Gràсіа wеrе оnсе thе buіldіng’ѕ fundamental living quarters, thuѕ the nаmеѕ and their lаѕhіngѕ оf ѕрасе.)

Chіеf Tіbіdаbо аnd Prіnсіраl Pаѕѕеіg de Gràсіа have thе most space. Hоwеvеr іn the еvеnt that hаvіng a terrace stresses уоu, opt fоr the formal.

Small dogs саn come tоо fоr frее, but you’ll have tо саrrу all thаt thеу nееd wіth уоu – nоthіng іѕ provided. Rеmеmbеr thаt the El Pаlаuеt Living apartments аrе аll whіtе аnd rаthеr fаnсу; mеѕѕу dоgѕ mау mеаn hеаdасhеѕ.

Exсерtіоnаllу wеlсоmе. Bunkѕ саn bе аddеd to rooms fоr free; thе сhеf са whір up a сhіldrеn’ѕ mеnu. Bаbуѕіttіng wіth a local bаbуѕіttеr саn bе masterminded (€42.35 60 mіnutеѕ) wіth a dауѕ’ nоtісе.

Take уоur little ones to thе zoo аt Parc Ciutadella, or tо thе аԛuаrіum (Eurоре’ѕ bіggеѕt) on Mоll d’Eѕраnуа. Mеаndеr аrоund Poble Eѕраnуоl wаtсhіng the сrаft wоrkѕhорѕ аnd glаѕѕ-blоwіng. On thе оff сhаnсеѕ thаt thеу’rе nоt scared оf hеіghtѕ, hаvе a ride оn thе Port саblе саr from Bаrсеlоnеtа ѕhоrеlіnе over tо Mоntjuіс.

A lосаl bаbуѕіttеr can be bооkеd fоr 60 mіnutеѕ (gіvе two days nоtісе).

Bunkѕ, саrrіаgеѕ, ѕtеrіlіzеrѕ, сhаngіng mаtѕ аnd tоіlеtrіеѕ for lіttlе Smіthѕ can аll bе рrоvіdеd, but уоu dо need tо book ahead оf time.

Aѕk for a рrіvаtе gourmet chef аnd рісk уоur оwn mеnu, оr gеt organic grосеrіеѕ and trеаtѕ fоr thе lіttlе Smіthѕ delivered to your flаt.

Speak and уе ѕhаll find: оn thе оff сhаnсеѕ that уоu need a рrіvаtе сhеf, a соmрlеtеlу lоаdеd ѕtосkеd fridge, a dеlіvеrу оf organic trеаtѕ or a PA-аrrаngеd brеаkfаѕt every mоrnіng ѕіmрlу lеt the рrореrtу know. Yоu won’t miss hаvіng a formal еаtеrу.

Nо bаr, hоwеvеr thеrе’ѕ a curated ассumulаtіоn оf Spanish wіnеѕ, саvа аnd champagne іn suites, and with Bаrсеlоnа on уоur dооrѕtер, уоu wоn’t gо thirsty.

Engаgе уоur wау іntо Mutis, a саndlеlіt, velvet-clad ѕреаkеаѕу іn a private apartment building bу Bar Mut, аmоngѕt Dіаgоnаl and Pau Clаrіѕ аvеnuеѕ. Bооkіngѕ are fundamental so rеԛuеѕt thаt the аttеndаnt оrgаnіzе it(+34 934 158 515).Bаr Mut іtѕеlf merits trуіng – people еаt lаtе hеrе and іt’ѕ on the соѕtlу ѕіdе, but thе fish-centered tараѕ аrе dеlісіоuѕ. Attеmрt thе ѕсаllорѕ or thе саrрасіо huevos frіtоѕ. Fаіntlу-lіt, аtmоѕрhеrіс Andu оn Correu Vell іѕ a rеаl local’s hаunt and wеll оff thе tоrіѕt trail. In саѕе уоu’rе anxious tо trу a соuрlе of reasonable ѕhоtѕ of thе lосаl Vеrmоuth, Quimet y Quіmеt (+34 934 423 142) on Pоеtа Cabanyes іѕ thе рlасе tо gо.

The ѕmаll, сhаrmіng Crерѕ a Bаrсеlоnа саféѕ (+34 933 015 401) serves – оbvіоuѕlу – crepes аnd gаllеttеѕ іn ѕwееt аnd арреtіzіng соmbоѕ, wіth a range оf teas аnd infusions. Pау ѕресіаl аttеntіоn tо thе hеаvеnlу Cаеlum іn thе hеаrt of the Gоthіс Quаrtеr. Stуlіѕh саfе аnd ѕhор соmbіnеd, іt’ѕ the іdеаl рlасе tо ѕtосk uр on уummу Spanish gооdіеѕ (mаrzіраn, nоugаt, brоwnіеѕ… )

Rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf whether уоu need a drіnk, ѕnасk оr full-blown thrее course mеаl, El Pаlаuеt Living has a 24-hour rооm ѕеrvісе ассеѕѕіblе from thе аttеndаnt. Mediterranean аnd Japanese menus rоund оff the trаdіtіоnаl аnd mоrе fаѕсіnаtіng аltеrnаtіvеѕ.

There is no swimming pool at El Pаlаuеt Living, but make sure to make uѕе оf the wаtеrbеdѕ, ѕаunа and bасk rub rооm оn thе tеrrасе.

Trу not tо ѕtrеѕѕ yourself in thе event thаt уоu forget аnуthіng. There is need to worry. Yоur аttеndаnt will replace аnу thіngѕ thаt are AWOL аmіd уоur ѕtау.

El Pаlаuеt Living араrtmеnt соmеѕ furnished wіth a реrѕоnаl аѕѕіѕtаnt, who wіll joyfully sort оut аnу аddіtіоnаl еxtrаѕ amid уоur ѕtау. Rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf whеthеr уоu сrаvе fоr a bасk rub, аn hаіr ѕtуlе, a mаkе-uр соnѕultаtіоn, a ѕіttеr or ѕіmрlу ѕоmе rесоmmеndаtіоnѕ, let уоur PA take сhаrgе.

El Pаlаuеt Living is simply a luxury hotel you need to stay at. Enjoy all that Barcelona, Spain has to offer. Return again soon and read our luxury blog for more luxury travel destinations and accommodations.

Photo: El Pаlаuеt Living

Luxury Living at The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Sunny Isles Beach

The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Sunny Isles Beach will be a new luxury property when completed in 2018. Once opened, the luxury property will offer 250 feet of prime, oceanfront living upon 2.2 acres. It’s the ultimate luxury experience to be an owner here.

The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Sunny Isles Beach will be a stylish, 52-story tower property offering incredible view of the Atlantic Ocean. In total, there will be 212 residences. The sizes range from 1,605 sq. ft. up to to 3,640 sq. ft. The available Penthouses offer sizes up to 6,320 sq. ft. That is VIP living.

Building plans show an impressive two-story lobby. There is four stories of glass that overlooks both the property’s pool and scenic Sunny Isles Beach.

Of course, a new luxury property like The Ritz-Carlton Residences will offer endless amenities. There will be easy access between the main pool and the beach, plus the oceanfront restaurant. There are countless activities at The Residences in Miami for resident to enjoy. There is a roomy areas for children to play and have fun in the sun. If you want to stay in shape, head to the state-of–the- art fitness center that offers ocean views.

Owners can choose from spacious floor plans. In addition, they provide a variety of ocean, city and Intracoastal views. Units offer tall ceilings up to 10 feet tall. In the penthouses, ceilings soar to above 15 feet high.

The kitchens are definitely high end. Find fine, Italian cabinets and luxurious stone countertops. Enjoy European appliances, a cappuccino maker, plus wine cooler.

The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Sunny Isles Beach

Enjoy the warm weather in South Florida by hanging out on oversized terraces. Residents will enjoy a private elevator lobby to reach their home. In some residences, you will have your own private pool.

The interior is luxury from top to bottom. Each master bedroom has a roomy walk-in closet. Do your laundry with a full size washer and dryer in the unit’s laundry room.

For techies, you’ll appreciate the Smart home technology. There is WiFi Service and high speed Internet access.

Also located at The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Sunny Isles Beach property are two bar areas. Relax and enjoy your favorite cocktail with friends and family. One of the bars is a garden bar.

Take the fun outdoors and enjoy all Florida offers. There are many private beach amenities to take advantage of. Enjoy chaise lounges, cabanas and umbrellas. The property’s Beach Restaurant provides residents both beach and swimming pool service.

Are you ready to live a life of luxury? Make your plans to own a piece of paradise at The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Sunny Isles Beach.

The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Sunny Isles Beach is a luxury living property. We enjoy sharing high-end real estate stories like this in our luxury blog. Contact us to help you find your next dream home.

Photo: The Ritz-Carlton Residences

Tropical Romance for Valentine’s Day with Melia Hotels & Resorts

Want to celebrate Valentine’s Day with a romantic, tropical getaway? Melia Hotels & Resorts is a Spanish hotel chain. They are offering 3 incredible luxury vacation packages for Valentine’s Day.

Melia Hotels & Resorts founded back in 1956. As a result, they offer more than 370 luxury properties around the world, covering 40 countries. For those looking for love in the Caribbean, you are in luck. Rekindle that romance in a beautiful setting and let Melia take care of the rest.

Valentine’s Day is a day of love and caring. It doesn’t matter if you are married, engaged or are in a relationship. Spend precious time together as a couple. As a result, enjoy every minute you have together. You never know what life will bring to disrupt your lifestyle.

Three awesome, luxury properties from Melia Hotels & Resorts are – Meliá Nassau Beach All-Inclusive in the Bahamas, Meliá Caribe Tropical in Punta Cana and Meliá Braco Village in Jamaica. Therefore, aach of these luxury resorts are ideal for a wonderful couples escape.

Celebrate love in VIP style. Be sure to enjoy the beauty of the Caribbean. Warm waters and white sand beaches. That is what dreams are made of.

Meliá Nassau Beach All-Inclusive (Nassau, Bahamas)
Couples can get comfortable in the adults-only pool with DJ music and Bahama Mama cocktails. Drink straight from the pool’s wet bar and day/night activities. Guests can enjoy extra privileges when booking at The Level. Enjoy access to exclusive beach area, relax in the private lounge at breakfast or choose from a selection of premium top shelf liquors and appetizers throughout the resort. In addition, receive preferential bookings at onsite restaurants and much more.

Meliá Caribe Tropical (Punta Cana, Dominican Republic)
Flamingos, Toucans and tropical garden invites travelers to enjoy this all-inclusive hotel in the stunningly beautiful Dominican Republic for Valentine’s Day. Celebrating the day of romance with a party on property, Tuesday, February 14. Guests will be encouraged to bring their loved one and dance along to a live DJ. Additionally, the hotel is offering 25% the regular rate with promo code MCT&TL until 2/10/17, which is an ideal opportunity to experience an upgraded treat at The Level Adults Only (Meliá Hotels & Resorts elevated service concept).

Meliá Braco Village (Rio Bueno, Jamaica)
Located right next to the beach, the small and intimate resort offers big luxuries for couples. Relax with two swimming pools that overlook the sea. In addition, utilize four bars and six restaurants that offer a wide variety of national and international cuisine. Meliá Braco Village is a destination to relax and unwind, especially at Yhi Spa.

Contact us to assist you with booking a Valentine’s Day getaway with Melia Hotels & Resorts. Stop by again to read about other luxury travel destinations on our luxury blog. Live a VIP life!

Photo: Melia

VIP Travel from DreamMaker – Passport to 50: 20 Cities in 20 Days Around the Globe

Think big, live bigger. We all want more these days. Spending lots of money on tangible things is out. Memorable experiences are in. DreamMaker is now offering Passport to 50 – an incredible, luxury trip around the world, covering 20 cities in 20 days!

DreamMaker is a luxury travel boutique that caters to the wealthy. Passport to 50 is the world’s most expensive trip and is a the company’s first private jet offering. They made it ultra-luxurious by offering an around the world opportunity on a privately outfitted Boeing 767 airplane. This VIP experience is clearly targeted to ultra-high net worth clientele. The price tag is an eye-popping $13,875,000 and worth every penny!

DreamMaker Boeing private jet

Passport to 50 launched by DreamMaker is an over-the-top, travel experience like no other. Not only will the billionaire client travel in VIP style upboard the custom Boeing 767, but 50 close family and friends can join and accompany in a second Boeing Business Jet.

As part of this global vacation, you will cover over 50,000 kilometers or 31,069 miles). But don’t think for a second you will be spending the majority of the time in the air and not enjoying a great time on the ground. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. You’ll only be in the air about 12% of the time. To visit an amazing city means you should be able to enjoy it and not be rushed.

While creating the world’s most expensive trip, DreamMaker made sure every detail was taken into account. The Passport to 50 travel itinerary starts in Koh Samui and continues on to Siem Reap, Kathmandu, Agra, Florence, Siena, Cannes, Moulinet, London, Barcelona, Ibiza, Marbella, Marrakech, Havana, Knoxville, Kona, El Nido, A Secret Island, and ends the trip in Manila.

DreamMaker pearl diving

Highlights of this once in a lifetime travel experience include – a one-to-one ratio of guest to staff, a USD $500,000 charity poker tournament with the world’s top-ranked poker player in the air, and a hotel which will rebrand its identity to “Hotel 50” (including chipping out its marble tile in the foyer). Mining conglomerate World of Diamonds Group was commissioned to create the trip’s most luxurious amenity; a set of 18-karat gold swizzle sticks set with white and blue diamonds worth a total of USD 1 million.

DreamMaker partnered with World of Diamonds Group to create the trip’s most luxurious amenity. A set of 18-karat gold swizzle sticks that are set with white and blue diamonds. It’s a spectacular piece of jewelry that is valued at $1 million. Many of you may recall, we published an article on the world’s most expensive dining experienceUltimate VIP Dinner – World’s Most Expensive Dining Experience at $2,000,000

For $2,000,000, enjoy The a helicopter ride and delicious, 18-course degustation dinner menu. Drink pairings of 44 and 55-year old vintage wines and eat with diamond-encrusted chopsticks. During dessert, be presented with a gorgeous 2.08 carat celebrity Blue Diamond ring designed for and worn by famous, movie actress Jane Seymour.

DreamMaker swizzle sticks

World of Diamonds Group Director Karan Tilani stated, “DreamMaker’s commission demonstrates our expertise in creating spectacularly bespoke pieces out of fancy colored diamonds.” The gorgeous set of 50 18-karat gold swizzle sticks where designed with a spinning globe on top. Each of the 50 swizzle sticks are 20 white sparklers and represent every city landing of Passport to 50. In addition, a rare fancy blue diamond signifies the blue skies traveled on this amazing trip.

The private jet service is being offering by Experiential Aviation. Gregory Patrick is the founder and experience designer℠ at DreamMaker and was quoted, “Since 1988, we have been setting benchmarks in the experiential travel space worldwide. In 2017, we will be the first to introduce Experiential Aviation as the pinnacle of private aviation.”

DreamMaker Morocco tent

The custom fitted Boeing 767 airplane of course will offer flat beds for sleeping, numerous luxury amenities and chef-inspired cuisine. But DreamMaker has taken it to the next level by partnering with hypnotherapist April Norris. She was tasked with developing a holistic program to integrate cutting-edge wearable sleep technology and alternative wellness techniques. For example, hypnotherapy, Ayurvedic medicine, and Reiki healing. Gregory Patrick explains, “It is irrelevant how big and beautiful your private jet is if you are unable to relax comfortably or get the required amount of sleep on the plane.”

Talk about going that extra mile for your client, Hotel 41 in London became the first property to completely undergo a rebrand mission. The luxury hotel changed their identity to “Hotel 50” in honor of the Passport to 50 luxury travel program. As a result, they plan to chip out the marble tile in the hotel’s foyer, plus commission newly monogrammed bed and bath linens. There will even be a “Hotel 50” flag hung. In addition, 50 monks’ blessings and 50,000 lotus petals will await the lucky guests.

To offer the utmost in client customer service, DreamMaker has designed Passport to 50 to include a one-to-one ratio of guest to staff. 50 professionals are being hand-picked and represent experts in their respective fields. Again, another personal touch ideally chosen for this unbelievable experience.

DreamMaker baccarat

Gregory Patrick is a big believer in charitable causes and his Passport to 50 is no exception. We wants to help benefit children all around the world. DreamMaker has partnered with several charity organizations, including Water.org, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Starlight Children’s Foundation, as well as Whole Child International.

For example, 2,500 bicycles will be donated to rural children in Cambodia to help them attend school. He plans to build “fun centers” for 50,000 children battling life-threatening illnesses in the United Kingdom. Another example is providing clean drinking water for 50,000 at-risk children in the Philippines. These acts of kindness will truly make a difference for these deserving children in need.

Patrick proudly explains, “Through this trip, we have a way to act as a conduit to positively impact children’s lives. It makes no sense to work so hard to please the most discerning of clientele without making the same effort to balance the decadence with an element of kindness that delivers higher levels of fulfillment.

If Passport to 50 is for you, you can make your plans now and book is luxury trip of a lifetime. It is scheduled for August of 2017.

We hope you enjoyed reading about the Passport to 50 trip from DreamMaker. Contact us today if you are interested. We hope to share more luxurious travel experiences in upcoming stories from our popular luxury blog.

Photos: DreamMaker

Enjoy the Domaine Carneros “Art of Sparkling Wine” Tour in Napa

During a recent stay in the beautiful Napa Valley, I had the opportunity to visit Domaine Carneros and take the Art of Sparkling Wine winery tour.

As you head west on the Carneros Highway (Hwy 12/121) to Sonoma, you’ll notice the iconic Chateau-style winery up on the hill. Take a left on Duhig Road and turn right into the parking lot. It’s a well known, local landmark and a very popular winery to visit.

Domaine Carneros was originally founded by Champagne Taittinger, which is the stately Champagne house of France. During the late 1970’s, Claude Taittinger search the United States for a place to produce wines locally. He purchased a rolling, 138-acre parcel located in the heart of Carneros, Napa Valley. The classic 18th century château-style building that resides onsite today was finished in 1989. The inspiration for this gorgeous building was the historic Château de la Marquetterie in Champagne, France.

Domaine Carneros winery

The Carneros region is famous for both its Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes. These two varietals are essential for the best tasting, premium sparkling wines. A varietal wine is primarily made using a single variety of grape.

It was recommended by a colleague to take the wine tour. The Art of Sparkling Wine tour provides an intriguing, educational experience. It’s a terrific way to learn how sparkling wine is made. Of course, the highlight for most is to actually taste several of the sparkling wines, as well as Pinot Noirs.

The Art of Sparkling Wine tour is offered three times a day. The tour times include 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. The price is only $30 per person, plus local sales tax. The tour usually runs between 1 and 1-1/2 hours.

Domaine Carneros Art of Sparkling Wine tour

To start, our group of 12 people met in the a tasting room. We were all looking forward to a great VIP experience. After an intro of the winery’s history from our guide Michelle, we all tried a glass of 2011 Estate Brut Sparkling Wine. It had a crisp, yet light taste and was delicious. The sparkling wine is made using 2/3 Pinot Noir grapes and 1/3 Chardonnay. Brut is the wine industry’s common name for “dry”. Extra Brut is counter-intuitive and actually means more sweet.

We learned that Domaine Carneros uses two stage fermintation process. The first is in the large wine tanks and the second, in the wine bottle itself. The combination of sugar and yeast causes CO2, which makes the famous bubbles in sparkling wine as well as champagne. Our guide explained the term “nose” of a wine. It actually means the aroma or bouquet. The nose actually is the key method we perceive the wine’s flavor in our own mouth.

The Art of Sparkling Wine tour includes watching a 10-minute video. Then we got to walk along an observation area to see the large wine tanks and the winery’s bottling operations from above.

Domaine Carneros Art of Sparkling Wine tour

Depending on the time of the year and weather in the Napa Valley, the tour may include a walk to the nearby vineyards. Take in the amazing lake and vineyard views from your terrace table. After our walking tour, we ended in a tasting room and sat down to taste additional sparkling and still wines. We were served a plate of local artisanal cheeses, crackers and raisins to pair with our wines.

We tried a 2008 Prestige Cuvee which was decadent. It’s a heartier food wine with a full taste. Next was a 2012 Brut Rose that we were told is ideal with salmon. Next was a 2013 Avant-Garde red wine, which was rather light. What followed, was a heavier red wine – 2013 Pinot Noir Estate.

We all enjoyed the casual atmosphere of the tasting area and the opportunity to try many, great tasting wines from Domaine Carneros.

It was interesting to learn about the micro-climate regions of both Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley. The Carneros region is perfect for growing Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes. The result is a world-class, California sparkling wine.

Once the wine tour is over, you can take your time wandering around the massive property that covers about 4,800 square feet of space. Enjoy strolling around the winery and view the grand staircase, formal gardens and fountain. It’s such a peaceful setting in the middle of this world famous wine region.

Domaine Carneros was a wonderful stop during our day of sightseeing and wine tasting. The winery is located in an incredible and beautiful setting among the vineyard covered hills. The staff was top notch and provided VIP style hospitality. I look forward to returning once again.

Domaine Carneros
1240 Duhig Road, Napa, CA 94559
(707) 257-0101 or (800) 716-2788

If you would like to visit the wine country region of California, be sure to add the Art of Sparkling Wine tour at Domaine Carneros to your list of things to do. We can help plan your perfect Napa Valley or Sonoma Valley getaway. Read our luxury blog to learn about more luxury travel ideas and must-see places to visit.

Photos: The Life of Luxury

Relax and Enjoy Cocktails at Mulberry Project pop-up at La Zebra Hotel

You’re on a tropical beach overlooking the warm waters of the Caribbean. It’s time for a drink. Enjoy your favorite cocktail at the new Mulberry Project pop-up at Colibri Boutique Hotels’ beachside La Zebra hotel in Tulum, Mexico.

Colibri Boutique Hotels collection consists of five properties in Tulum, Mexico (La Zebra, El Pez, Mi Amor, Mezzanine) and Little Corn Island, Nicaragua (Yemaya Island Hideaway and Spa). Designed for relaxation, the “Barefoot Chic” collection includes Found behind the La Zebra hotel is the Mulberry Project “rustic chic” bar. The Mulberry Project is recognized for pioneering the bespoke cocktail concept.

Enjoy life and try a personalized cocktail experience. The mixologists are using the best tequila, rum and mezcal to create delicious cocktails. The pop-up bar on the beach is fun atmosphere where you can order your own unique drink. Don’t get stuck ordering off a menu. First select your liquor base, then choose ingredients that suggested on a chalkboard. Mix and match and get creative!

You can choose from market-fresh fruit, delish vegetables, plus various herbs and spices that are available that particular day.

Next, decide on the type of cocktail you enjoy drinking. Maybe refreshing or sweet? How about spicy and tropical? Or what about dry, bitter, smoky, herbal and many more?

Once you have decided, the talented mixologists are ready to create your ideal bespoke drink. How fun is that?

Jasper Soffer is both the founder and co-owner of the original speakeasy, found in New York City’s Little Italy. Soffer also created the Mulberry Project. He was quoted, “We don’t believe in boredom. We want to surprise you and please you at the same time. We’ll give you a cocktail you’ve probably never had before, something that fits with the magic that is Tulum. In fact, your second cocktail may be something entirely different.”

Since you are in Mexico, how about smoky mezcal concoction? Try some local, Mexican ingredients such as mole bitters.

Under the direction of talented Chef Eleazar Bonilla, you can try these delicious cocktails at the La Zebra’s restaurant. Enjoy local cuisine and a great selection of drinks.

Are you ready to take a luxury, tropical vacation. The concierge specialists at The Life of Luxury can help you plan and book your next getaway. We can offer all-inclusive packages or unique VIP experiences.

We hope come back soon to follow this luxury blog. Travel to Mexico and try awesome cocktails at the Mulberry Project.

Photo: La Zebra

Luxury Stay at Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Dubai

With the new year here, the luxury Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Dubai will become a top destination in 2017. Just opened last month, the new luxury resort in Dubai was launched by Nikki Beach Hotels & Resorts Ltd.

Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Dubai becomes the fourth property in Nikki’s popular global portfolio of stylish beach and urban retreats. The opening follows the launch of Nikki Beach Dubai Restaurant & Beach Club in early 2016.

This luxurious resort and spa in the United Arab Emirates offers endless luxury amenities for their guests to enjoy. Found on Pearl Jumeira and adjacent to a gorgeous 450-meter long sandy beach, Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Dubai features 132 keys in addition to 63 private residences. With so many land and water activities available, this spacious property is definitely a luxury lifestyle resort.

In total, the property is 52,000-square-meters in size. Therefore guests can easily get some privacy and alone time. Enjoy the awe inspiring views of nearby Dubai skyline, plus the Arabian Gulf.

Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Dubai

Guestrooms are equipped with individual climate control, wireless internet and also come with your own private balcony. In addition, enjoy mood lighting, a high-end entertainment systems, complimentary high-speed WiFi, plus a personalized minibar.

The room decor follows a beachside-chic aesthetic. Rooms and suites are decorated feature the bright whites, pale blues and natural wood elements that is Nikki Beach’s signature look. There is plenty of natural light in these spacious accommodations.

For those guests who stay in one of the beachside villas, you will have direct access to the beach, plus the property’s four private pools, sun-warmed terraces and private cabanas. What a VIP experience!

For those who want to get in a little exercise at Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Dubai, try the tennis court and and relaxing Nikki Spa and Tone Gym. Take advantage of the gym’s high-end Technogym fitness equipment.

Foodies will feel like they have gone to cuisine heaven. Feast at five different restaurant and lounges. Your dining choices include – Nikki Beach Dubai Restaurant & Beach Club, with globally-inspired fare in a beachside setting; Café Nikki, an all-day urban bistro; Soul Lounge, offering creative bites to complement chilled-out tunes and uplifting beverages, plus Nikki Privé, an exclusive lounge with perfect views of the sunset. Lastly, Key West is a blending of Floridian, Caribbean and Latin cuisine. This upscale restaurant will open later this year and promise to deliver a distinctive, fine dining experience.

Be sure to make plans to visit Dubai, United Arab Emirates and enjoy a luxury stay at Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Dubai. The Life of Luxury assist you with all your travel plans. Stop by again to read our luxury blog for more luxury travel ideas.

Photo: Nikki Beach Resort & Spa Dubai

Get Pampered in Florida with Seasonal Spa Treatments

With the Christmas holiday season and New Years over with, winter is still underway. Many parts of the world are experiencing cold weather. It’s time consider a much needed vacation and experience seasonal spa treatments in sunny Florida.

Two of Florida’s finest resorts are the Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa and Fort Lauderdale Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa. These luxury resort properties offer the best amenities and luxurious accommodations. Best of all, be sure to enjoy their seasonal spa treatments.

During the Christmas season, several well known ingredients are Gingerbread, Peppermint and Cranberry. Both Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa and Fort Lauderdale Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa have integrated these tasty treats in their respective, seasonal spa treatments.


SiSpa at Palm Beach Marriott Singer Island Beach Resort & Spa
· Winter Rescue Treatment
Keep sinuses clear and the immune system strong with this purifying upper body treatment and Ayurvedic scalp massage. Perfect for those recovering from seasonal allergies or chest complaints, this treatment uses the essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree and pine to decongest and boost natural immunity. Guests will leave refreshed and breathing freely. (50 minutes, $99)

· Hot Toddy Mani-Pedi
Features a Bourbon Bubbler scrub and a Red Hot Cinnamon oil massage with nail cleaning and cutting (100 minutes, $99)


SiSpa at Fort Lauderdale Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa

· Cranberry Orange Body Scrub & Wrap
Filling the room with festive scents of cranberry and orange, this treatment begins with a full body exfoliation with a cranberry orange scrub. Next, a detoxifying, antioxidant-rich mud masque is applied, followed by a gentle cocoon wrap. While wrapped, guests will receive a relaxing face and scalp massage to melt away tension. A rich cranberry orange body butter finishes off this delectable treatment to hydrate skin and lock in moisture. Guests can also opt for the Deluxe version of this treatment that includes a relaxing 25-minute massage. (50-minute treatment, $99; 80-minute Deluxe treatment, $150)

· Gingerbread Manicure & Pedicure
The perfect holiday mani for one hot cookie. Hands will be treated to a butterscotch effervescent vitamin soak, with chicory root and sweet almond oil for ultimate skin hydration. Next, a scrumptious brown sugar polish exfoliates and revives dry winter skin leaving behind a fragrance of gingersnap bourbon. Finally, before prep and polish begins, hands and feet will be thoroughly massaged with warmed, spicy caramel body milk. (80-minutes, $89)

· Guests can enhance their spa experience and rejuvenate the senses with an aromatherapy enhancement. Peppermint, eucalyptus and dwarf pine holiday scents are available. ($10)

Florida is a wonderful place to visit anytime of the year. It’s one of the top destinations in the U.S. and offers endless beaches and attractions to enjoy.

You can take advantage of the above seasonal spa treatments in sunny all through the month of January 2017. Beat the cold and get a pampering, VIP experience.

The Life of Luxury can help you plan and book your vacation getaway to Florida. Get pampered at one of resort’s luxury spas and be treated to relaxing seasonal spa treatments. Return soon and follow our luxury blog.

El Palauet Living – A Luxury All-Suite Boutique Hotel

Located in Barcelona, Spain is the El Palauet Living. This immaculately designed luxury all-suite boutique hotel on Passeig de Gracia, makes this luxury hotel uniquely positioned to offer the lucky visitor a singular holiday experience. Guests can enjoy animated celebrations just steps outside the hotel’s front door. When the temps drop during winter, take advantage of the Finnish sauna to warm your chilled bones.

El Palauet Living is centrally located in the Gracia area, whose bohemian, cultural impetus is evident around every corner. The holidays are a spirited time in Barcelona, with schools closed and families spending much of the nearly two-week celebration together.

The streets of Barcelona are lined and decorated with colorful light displays. In lieu of Santa Claus, the Tres Reis Mags, the biblical Three Kings, or Magi, bring gifts for children aboard a tall-masted ship which arrives each January 5th at 5 in the evening to the Fuste Pier on Barcelona’s famous waterfront.

The all-suite, El Palauet Living hotel features six large 1600 square foot apartment suites. Each luxury and spacious suite offers the comfort, feeling, and familiarity of home. In addition, guests receive a highly personalized guest service program plus on-call personal assistants.

El Palauet Living is currently celebrating a milestone 5-year anniversary. The holidays are a spirited time in Barcelona and it’s a wonderful time to visit Spain and spend time touring the magnificent city of Barcelona. El Palauet is located in the Gracia area> Therefore, there’s a strong bohemian influence. Enjoy strong cultural at every street corner.

Barcelona is primarily a Catholic town. In fact, Christmas begins on December 24th and will continue until January 6th, which is called the Epiphany. This tradition utilizes the entire “12 Days of Christmas.”

The Catalan evenings come alive with a variety of artistic, lighting installations. The holiday lights line the streets to create a simply magical atmosphere. The annual Christmas parade (cabalgata) starts when the Three Kings get off their wooden ship. The Barcelona parade follows the major streets of the city. Once it arrives at the spacious Plaza de Catalunya, the Kings ride behind an array of floats and colorful Christmas adornments. A genuine VIP experience!

In addition to the beginning of a new Year, New Years also brings a tradition. At midnight with celebrations rockling all around Barcelona, partiers place 12 grapes into their mouth. Each grape represents each stroke of the clock.

Make your plans now to stay at the El Palauet Living luxury hotel in Barcelona. Take in the rich culture and enjoy a traditional Christmas celebration.

Our travel concierge specialists can help you plan and book your Barcelona stay at the El Palauet Living hotel. We enjoy sharing unique travel ideas in our luxury blog.

Photo: El Palauet Living

Hilton San Francisco Union Square – Holiday Bed & Breakfast Package

San Francisco is nicknamed the “City by The Bay.” Now is an awesome time to visit Frisco and enjoy the holiday season at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square hotel. In fact, take advantage of the hotel’s Hilton San Francisco Union Square’s Holiday Bed & Breakfast Package. It’s available until January 1, 2017.

The holiday package includes a Standard King room for just $179 per night – based on double occupancy. In addition to your accommodations, enjoy a delicious breakfast buffet for two in the hotel’s own restaurant – Urban Tavern. The Hilton San Francisco Union Square is definitely a world-class hotel. It provides awesome city views and a taste of international sophistication.

The Hilton San Francisco Union Square hotel features 1,919 guest rooms. In addition, there are 151 luxury suites. All rooms and suites offer great city views.

Staying at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square hotel, enjoy the best San Francisco offers. Your luxury hotel is nearby theater productions, shopping, plus the popular Union Square Holiday Ice Rink. San Francisco is a magical place during the Christmas holiday season.

Another Hilton property in the city is the Parc 55 San Francisco. This luxury hotel is offering the Parc 55 San Francisco’s Holiday Bed & Breakfast Package. Also priced at just $179 per night. Sleep in a comfortable Standard King room. The holiday package is for two people. In addition, you receive breakfast for two people in the hotel’s own restaurant – Cable 55.

Be sure to stop by the trendy, new Cityscape San Francisco Lounge. It’s found on the 46th floor of the Hilton San Francisco Union Square’s 46th floor. Enjoy signature cocktails, wines, small plates and appetizers. The big attraction is the unbelievable, 360-degree panoramic views of the entire Bay Area. Get a bird’s eye view of many of San Francisco’s most famous landmarks. Cityscape has become a popular spot to hang out in fun, social setting. The viewing lounge is open between 5:00 pm and 12:00 am seven days a week. You can read more at – New Cityscape San Francisco Lounge Offers Epic Views

If you are able to stay and take advantage of one of the 2 holiday packages, be sure to make the most of your visit. Shopaholics can enjoy the city’s largest collection of retail stores, department stores, boutiques and outlets. For theater lovers, see War Memorial Opera House is showing The Nutcracker. Of course when visiting San Francisco, take a ride on the world famous cable car. In addition, kids will love the chance to meet Santa Claus at Macy’s.

Photo: Hilton San Francisco Union Square

Get Festive in Italy with Five Italian Christmas Markets

Many people instantly respond to the traditional Christmas Markets in Germany. They are very popular during the holiday season and visitors travel from all around the world to enjoy them. Many are not aware that Italy also hosts their own. We would like to share five Italian Christmas Markets to consider.

If you are looking for an extraordinary VIP experience and travel to Italy for Christmas, then you need to make your plans now! There are still great travel deals available on short notice.

Fuoritinerario – Discover Your Italy is a boutique travel tour company that has a long history of of find off-the-beaten path opportunities. They have in depth knowledge of Italy and have offered to provide details on five Italian Christmas Markets.

These five Italian Christmas Markets provide tourist that chance to experience the rich culture of Italy. Enjoy great tasting food and drinks, plus a variety of products and souvenirs to purchase. Please take a look:

SANT’AGATA FELTRIA, EMILIA ROMAGNA (Now until December 20, 2016)
This medieval town is also known as Il Paese del Natale (the Christmas village). Its historic center becomes an enchanted place with the traditional sounds of bagpipes and handcrafted nativity on display all along the narrow alleys as well as in the Fregoso Fortress which dates back to 1000 AD. The market square hosts Santa’s home (reindeer included) and lots of fun activities for children organized by the elves!

CANDELARA, PESARO (Now until December 14, 2016)
Candele a Candelara, the Candelara candle light festival, is the first Italian Christmas market dedicated to candles. Apropos, since the name of this medieval town is derived from the Latin word for candle. During the celebration all electric lights go dark at fifteen minute intervals and the town glows only with candle light. Visitors can also wander through the town’s traditional Christmas market.

BOLZANO, SOUTH TYROL (Now until January 6, 2017)
Certainly the most renowned town in Italy known for hosting the country’s largest Christmas market or mercatini di Natale. For more than a month, the magnificently festooned Piazza Walther is filled with decorated stands, as well as the fragrance of cinnamon and mulled wine – making visitors feel as if they are in a fairytale.

AOSTA, AOSTA VALLEY (Now until January 6, 2017)
The Marché Vert Noël (Green Christmas Market) turns Aosta‘s Piazza Caveri into an alpine Christmas wonderland with twinkling lights, glimmering decorations, and adorned Christmas trees. Shoppers can browse handmade items including candles, holiday decorations, soaps, ceramics, wooden handicrafts and antique furniture, as well as clothing and accessories made from local wool, felt, hemp and lace.

MANAROLA, CINQUE TERRE (Now until February 1, 2017)
This lovely seaside town of the Cinque Terre hosts one of the most beautiful and original nativity scenes in the world – The Presepe di Manarola – with over 15,000 solar-powered light bulbs and 300 characters made from recycled or unused materials. Visitors can walk through a candy cane village, and take cooking classes preparing traditional Christmas dishes.

Discover Your Italy is owed by an Italian husband and wife team – Matteo Della Grazia and Daniela Mencarelli. Together they bring an enormous amount of travel knowledge and experience. Since 2007, they have become respected as experts in Italy travel. In addition to discovering the main attractions of Italy, get to know the cultural heart of this iconic country.

The Life of Luxury is available to help plan and book your luxury travel vacation. From visiting Italian Christmas Markets to gazing at the pyramids of Egypt to a romantic Mediterranean cruise, let us help. Stop by again to read our luxury blog for the latest luxury travel news and hot destinations. Our travel concierge team is available to assist.