Category: Entertainment

Nominations for the 82nd Academy Awards Announced

Nominations for the 82nd Academy Awards were announced earlier today. It’s going to be an exciting event this year in Hollywood. What’s interesting is there are now ten nominees in the “Best Motion Picture...

Seductive Penelope Cruz

Tabercil, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Sexy and seductive, Hollywood actress Penélope Cruz Sanchez was born on April 28, 1974 in San Sebastain de los Reyes, Madrid, Spain. In 1992, she made her...

Matt Damon – Sexy Hollywood Actor

NASA/Bill Ingalls, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Matt Damon was voted #2 on AskMen’s Top 49 Men 2007 edition, runner-up only to soccer star David Beckham. Matt has gone from an obscure actor to...

Robert Pattinson – From Twilight to New Moon

Twilight_20091110_Crillon_Hotel_Paris_002.jpg: nicolas geninderivative work: Funkfried333, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Robert Pattinson wasn’t a household name or even B-star until he starred in blockbuster Vampire movie, “Twilight.” Pattinson has wooed teenage girls with...

Pamela Anderson

Boeing978, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Playboy cover girl, red-hot tabloid queen, abuse survivor, TV star, Pamela Anderson has done it all. When asked how much of the real Pamela Anderson does the...

Remembering Princess Diana

It is amazing how the years have gone by but its been 12 years since the death of Princess Diana on August 31, 1997. It seems like yesterday people were shocked to hear that...

Ali Larter

On NBC’s “Heroes” show, sexy Ali Larter plays Niki Sanders, an internet stripper with a severe dissociative disorder and super strength. Ali Larter began her career as a model for Esquire Magazine (November 1996)....
