WallyIsland, the Floating Estate

View the latest idea from the innovative, yachtmakers Wally. The company has created the “WallyIsland”, a massive 325-foot yacht with a giant main platform that hosts a garden oasis, a large lounge, a heliport, a tennis court or anything else your imagination desires.

The WallyIsland is designed to be configured in a variety of different ways. Just let your imagination run wild. Full article

Ultra Rich Super Yachts

For those sea-bound adventurers who plan to drop anchor at all the hot spots from St. Tropez to Sardinia, chartered yachts are your only the transportation of choice. Take a look at the best. Full article

South Africa’s Luxury Boat Building

As the world’s rich and famous crave luxury boats, South Africa is working hard and determined to be a major boat-building player. Averaging only about 1 boat per builder in the mid ’90’s, they’re now averaging about 4 and launched close to 300 new boats in 2006. Full Article